We were told by one of our attendees, "How are tickets for learning, not exams? »At the same time I can successfully pass school or university tests ?! In this article, we will try to answer it in a simplified way through some of the main points that must be emphasized during the study.
1. Focus on practical and practical aspects
Study information without practical application is just brain stuffing that is emptied into the exam paper no more; in order to better absorb this information you should know its applications in life around you or in other sense what the benefit of studying these courses! For example, I study organic chemistry - one of the biggest branches of chemistry - should I know what its applications are in life ?!
In the above example, organic chemistry is involved in many biomedical industries around us (perfume, cosmetics, paints and paints, clothing and fabrics, soap and detergents, pharmaceuticals, petrochemicals, and many others). One of the basic pillars of his understanding and learning.
2 - understanding leads to conservation and vice versa!
Save the courses may climb you in the order to the early batch but after the study you will forget this terrible amount of information and the final outcome is zero if you have not learned before! The understanding and good understanding of the information ensures you excel in the life of the school as well as post-school and this is what we aspire to achieve! Secondary or university level is not the end of the journey but is just a stop!
3 - the use of three elements of the study
Learning at both the school and university levels should be based on three basic elements:
- reading
- Writing
- watching
Do you read your lessons while studying aloud?
Are you writing or writing what you learned?
Do you highlight important information in the book?
Do you rely on illustrations or educational documentation?
How do tickets material theory and practical materials?
4. Set your goals of study
Knowing and accurately defining the goal always helps ease the burden of the journey. Set yourself clear goals and strive to achieve them. Always remember that passing the exams or collecting high marks is not an end in itself but a way to reach a higher educational stage that may change your life!
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