Learning physics from the beginning requires some basic steps that should be followed carefully to reach the desired level in this area. Physics is a science based on experiments, measurements, and mathematical analysis in order to find laws governing the movement of objects around us from the most accurate particle ever, where the world of elementary particles, electrons, and corn to the largest objects we know such as planets, stars, holes Black, galaxies, and even the universe itself!
You may experience some difficulties in learning physics from the beginning, and you will have many questions like:
What bases and rules should I know and understand?
Should the values of physical constants be preserved?
Do I care about the theoretical or practical side?
And so many other puzzling questions, so we will try through this article to highlight some of the guidelines and tips that enable you to learn and study physics correctly.
1. Start with the basics first
Any scientific specialization is based primarily on a set of rules and theories that build on the rest of its branches and other applications, try to identify at first these theories and knowledge of applications in life around us.
2. Learn about sub-specialties
Physics is divided into two major divisions. The first is classical physics, which includes mechanics, optics, thermodynamics, electromagnetism and magnetism. The second is modern physics, which includes nuclear and atomic physics and quantum mechanics .
3 - Do not strain your mind to save the physical constants
Sometimes some students take a physics learning trip from the beginning to memorize numbers and equations that they think are necessary! You do not need to know the values of the mass of the electron, the mass of the proton, the Planck constant, the general constant of the gases ... etc. of the constants used frequently in the various branches and disciplines of physics because they exist and available in all books and references, even when the final exam is entered where these salaries are attached in the last exam paper Under the title Constants.
4 - Use the drawings and mental maps
It is a great way not only to learn physics but also in any other discipline, both scientifically and morally, to understand and absorb it well by connecting information and creating relationships with each other using charts and mind maps.
5. Develop your skills in mathematics
Physics and Mathematics are two sides of a single coin; physics professors are advised to begin immediately learning the basics and principles of calculus, trigonometry and applied mathematics.
6 - understanding leads to conservation; and vice versa is not true!
Learning is based on comprehension, not indoctrination, and the repetition of information without understanding it or applying it. Taking into account that strong memory is not a stupid guide at all, it is a guide to the intelligence of the person; but you should link information to each other and know all of its applications around you. at the same time.
7. Visual information is much better than textual information
The Internet is full of visual content, whether it's videos, animations, documentaries, and because many physical subjects are difficult to understand or imagine for beginners in this area, such as space-time, black holes, relativity, quantum mechanics, and many more. Read about dozens of books! Of the outstanding documentary series in this matter: Cosmos series Time and place, the traveler guide across the planets.
8. The final output without units of measurement is of no value
Any output in a physical matter without unit of measurement is worthless! Units are the primary meaning of the number and without it will only become a number that has no value.
For example, assuming I told you (t = 0.05) (where t is the time used in the experiment) but I did not tell you what the unit of measurement is! Do come again, ms or day ... etc.
9 - accuracy check is required!
Not all that is written on the Internet is true 100%; many information and topics on websites, forums, and social networking pages lack credibility and offer sources and contain many scientific fallacies so you should check every information you read and search for its source.
10 - Take care of the steps instead of the final product!
Just having a finished product solo without the steps of the matter is futile; proving the step-by-step output helps you understand any physical issue no matter how complex it is.
11. Reading and reviewing from time to time
Continuous review, whether in the field of physics or in other disciplines, helps to fix information in the mind and speed of remembering.
12. Place posters of the famous physical equations in your room
Write the famous physical equations on paper stickers and place them in your room until you see them constantly. This method is very impressive especially during the physics learning trip from the beginning.
13. Start learning English now
Learning English is no longer a luxury but it is necessary to go into this field. If you do not know it, you should start learning it immediately because most references, books and scientific research are available only in English. In addition, the most famous sites in physics are foreign sites.
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