Monday, December 17, 2018

How do female hormones affect fish in rivers?

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How do female hormones affect fish in rivers?

In research on Biscay Bay fish found that male fish contain oocytes similar to those in female fish, the researchers found that the reason is due to the presence of hormones or chemicals in river water similar in their effect to the hormone estrogen female

More closely, they found that the reason these hormones reach river water is due to several factors:

The use of oral contraceptives by the ladies contains ethyl estradiol (EE2), an industrial estrogen that is transferred during the process of discharge to the water of the banks and then poured into the river water.

Some cosmetic products, industrial cleaning products and cosmetics also contain some chemicals similar to the effects of estrogen.

Not only that, but also the injection of cattle Diethylstillbestrol, which increases the weight of cattle to produce more meat and injected with Recombinant bovine somatostatin, which produces more milk and examined urine samples of these cattle found that the proportion of The hormones estrogen and progesterone (female hormones) range from 150-1400 Mg / Kg. This is due to the substances injected and then transferred to the banks and then to the river water.

Scientists have found that the ratio of phytologinin (VTG) is high in blood plasma. It is a protein made in the liver of female fish that contains eggs and is stimulated by estrogen to help in Mucus formation (similar to egg yolk, a food source for the fetus)

These hormones not only affect the reproductive functions of fish and make them defective, but also affect us humans and the rest of the aquatic life.

Where scientists have conducted experiments on the development of three different types of frogs to show how the impact of these industrial hormones similar to estrogen in their effect found the proportion of male to female transformation of 15% -100%.

Not only that, but more studies have found that water treatment plants can not treat these hormones and get rid of them before they pass us through drinking water, as well as to us also through the meat of cattle.

Studies have shown that these hormones may cause the lack of sperm count and efficiency in men and the failure of reproductive functions and dysfunction in some functions of immunity and glands, but some scientists have developed a technique to get rid of these substances, but not yet used in our Arab countries and this technique is MIP and (Synthetic molecular imprinted polymer). This technique has been shown to be highly selective and highly electrically combined with estrogen-like materials and highly efficient disposal.
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