Wednesday, January 16, 2019

10 effective steps to save relationships and mathematical formulas

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10 effective steps to save relationships and mathematical formulas

Have you been awake all night trying hard to save one of the physical laws ?! Have you learned today one of the mathematical formulas and are afraid to forget it tomorrow or on the exam day ?! It is a matter of concern to many students and students at all levels of education.

Many complain about the speed of forgetfulness, and remember the study information with difficulty, especially the laws and the relationship between sports and physical. Through this article we will review together some tips and effective steps to help you not forget any mathematical relationship as well as the speed of remembering.

1 - Iak and conservation without understanding

We always recommend that our colleagues at school and university, even at the level of work and personal level, also avoid general conservation in general, which is not understood; often find a student to keep the equation well by heart if it appeared in front of a mathematical issue is presented indirectly is impossible to resolve and stands in front of her!

What we mean here in this article is conservation related to understanding, which reflects the absorption and a good understanding of any mathematical formula including variables and constants that exist in them.

2. Place posters of laws and relationships in your room

Write down the rules and formulas that you find difficult to study or remember on paper placed in your room; this will make them available to your eyes constantly. This is one of the best ways to remember anything, no matter how difficult it is.

3. Apply and resolve issues

Some take a quick look at the law or equation and once he wakes up he finds it hard to remember them! This is very obvious and logical, so how can your mind absorb the equation from just looking! You should apply and practice this equation by solving many different questions.

4. Stay away from anything that will lose your focus

Do not start studying and you are hungry because part of your concentration will become distracted; on the contrary, no tickets are filled with stomach as the blood goes to the digestive system to complete the digestion; it is better to have a snack before Examine or in the morning of the exam until you are in full concentration.

5. Use units intelligently

We all know the speed measurement unit (m / s); it is obvious that the mathematical formula for calculating the velocity is the sum of the distance on time «v = d / t» and not «v = t / d»; that is, the distance in numerator and time Place. In comparison to the previous example, the units of measurement can determine the mathematical formula or relationship.

6 - Learn to prove the relationship or the law

The mathematical conclusion of any mathematical relationship is a very good way to understand it; of course I will not recommend you to know the mathematical evidence for all relationships and formulas prescribed to you, but if you can in some laws you should read and understand these evidence.

7. Eliminate stress and tension

There is no way to study science with thousands or even more of formulas and equations such as physics, math or engineering. You are in a state of stress or tension; take a break and relax. This will give you more focus.

8. Train your memory

From time to time, try to review the laws and mathematical relations of a particular subject by making a table for this, for example: on the first day - the energy laws; the second day - the laws of Newton; on the third day - the laws of radiation, and so on a regular basis until your memory gets used to Retrieve this information quickly and accurately.

9. Use illustrations

Writing relationships and laws in the form of drawings and forms helps you a lot to remember them. Try this way of learning and tell us how useful it is.

10. Group similar formulas together

Write similar mathematical relationships together to make it easy for you to find out about the differences among them, as well as to find the variables and common factors between them. You can also use mental maps in this matter, it is absolutely wonderful in training and strengthening memory. this way of learning and tell us how Try this way of learning and tell us how useful it is.

10. Group similar formulas together

Write similar mathematical relationships together to make it easy for you to find out about the differences among them, as well as to find the variables and common factors between them. You can also use mental maps in this matter, it is absolutely wonderful in training and strengthening memory.
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