The word biology is derived from the Greek words "bios" which means life and "logos" which means study. Where biology means studying different organisms.
A single-cell organism may be a bacteria or a multi-cell such as a plant and animal. Biology is divided into many branches depending on the type of object being studied and is considered to be a complex science. In this article we will take a quick look at the main branches of biology with a brief description of each sub-discipline.
What are the branches of biology?!
This specialization deals with the study of animals. The word Zoology originated from the Greek words "Zoon" which means "animal" and "logos" which means study.
What are the specialties of Zoology?
Applied Zoology Applied Zoology
Systematic Zoology: It is the study of the evolution, classification and naming of animals
Organismal Zoology: A science that studies animals in our biosphere.
What are the subspecialties of Applied Zoology?!
- Aquaculture, which means studying the living organisms living in the water or the salt or salt and how to keep them from extinction.
- Applied Entomology, which means studying the use of insects for the benefit of man.
- Vermiculture is a science that studies the breeding of worms that dig into the soil and produce fertilizers or natural fertilizers.
- Poultery science is a science that teaches home-grown birds such as geese, turkeys, and chickens.
- Parasitology is concerned with the study of parasites and their relation to the host organism.
- Radiation biology is the science that studies x-rays, gamma radiation, electrons, protons and their biological effects on humans.
- Biotechnology is the science that applies the principles of genetic engineering to substances produced by organisms such as antibiotics and hormones.
- Applied Embryology is the science that studies embryonic farms and uses them to increase livestock productivity
- Tissue culture, which deals with the study of tissue culture and plant cells in an artificial environment
- Dairy science is the science that deals with the study of dairy products
- Pesticides are pesticides that teach pesticides and their uses
- Nematology is the one that studies the worms and how to eliminate them
- Ornithology, which is interested in studying birds
- Herpitology is a reptile science
- Ichthyology is the one who is interested in studying fish
- Mammolgy is interested in studying mammals.
2. Entomology
This science is based on the study of classification, characteristics, adaptation, and behavior of insects.
3 - Animal Behavior Science (Ethology)
He is interested in studying behavioral adaptation of animals especially in their natural and original environment.
It is applied in the anatomy of both the animal and the plant, including the study of fine details, internal organs and functions within the body of the organism.
5. Physiology
Is the science that studies the various functions and vital processes within the organism.
What are the physiology departments ?!
Evolutionary Physiology, which deals with the development of organs.
Cell Cell Physiology.
- Developmental Physiology, which studies physiological processes and their relation to embryonic development.
- Environmental Physiology A science that studies the response of plants to different factors of heat, radiation and fire
- Comparative physiology, which is concerned with studying animals other than humans.
6. Genetics
Is the science that means the study of genes, derived from the term Greek words "genetikos" which means origin and origin. This branch of biology studies the genetic aspects of all organisms. The study of hereditary inheritance began in the mid-19th century by renowned biologist Gregor Johann Mendel. Modern genetics relies on the foundations of this genius world
Is the study of plant life which is one of the most prominent branches of biology; it means studying the life and evolution of plants, algae, and fungi. Also deals with the study of structure, growth, diseases, chemical and physical properties, metabolism, evolution of all plant species. The importance of studying plant life is that it is an essential source of food, fiber, medicine, fuel, and oxygen
8. Evolutionary Biology
We also know that evolutionary organisms evolved from simple forms;
9. Developmental Biology
The study deals with the different stages of the growth and evolution of living organisms.
10. Ecology
Ecology studies the interaction of different organisms with each other and their physical and chemical environment. It also deals with environmental problems such as pollution and how it affects the life cycle of organisms in the environment. It is derived from the Greek term "oikos" which means the environment and the word "logos" which means study. German biologist Ernst Haeckel formulated the term Ecology in 1866.
11 - Biology of the papyrus (Cryobiology)
A science that studies the effect of very low temperatures on living cells and the organism as a whole.
This branch is concerned with the study of chemical processes in all living organisms, a branch of biology that interferes with chemistry. It also deals with the study of the functions of cellular components such as nucleic acids, lipids, proteins, and much of the biomolecules.
13. Cytology and Molecular Biology
Cell biology deals with the deep study of the cell, its structure, functions, parts and abnormal phenomena. Molecular biology deals with the study of organisms at the molecular level.
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