Many students complain at the beginning of the years of study at the university, whether in scientific or literary colleges of the difficulty of finding a reliable source of reliable for the study and preparation of lessons; and always hear this usual question, which is the best university book or lecture? Through this article we will try to highlight this point and how to deal with it effectively.
A large proportion of students rely on the lecture given by the university professor as the main source of study and preparation for the final tests. Some professors even add several molecules to the curriculum as well as the association of these particles with the course. Come!
University book
There are many colleges that rely on books that are not well prepared for students; the most accurate description of these books is that they are a collection of uncoordinated and unconnected information and explanations compiled together from several different references and added together as a university book! Of course, not all books in Arab universities are so bad, but there is a significant proportion.
How do I benefit from a university book?
The university book can be used well by:
Read the lesson well at least twice aloud (even if you find some unintelligible points)
Use Color Highlighters to highlight important information!
Solve the questions answered during the lesson and ensure your answer
Solve the questions at the end of each chapter .
University book or lecture?!
In general and personal experience, it is preferable to rely on lectures as the first source of study and absorption, while not neglecting the university book, by taking into account the following points:
Attention and good concentration with the lecturer
Write down any important note (even in colloquial language)
Recording lectures on the phone (after the lecturer's permission)
Writing the lecture in good handwriting and reading so as not to waste the time of study in re-writing again.
The professor asked about any misunderstood part of the lecture or in the office hours.
In case of absence from the lecture for any circumstances, filmed from one of your colleagues.
Commit to dissecting activities and assessments as they will help you well understand the lesson.
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